The Great American Ammo Crisis is Upon Us and Could be PERMANENT

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Get Your FREE Copy of the Definitive Guide for SECURING and DEFENDING Your Home and Family After ANY Unimaginable Crisis, Collapse or Disaster…

FREE BOOK tells Defend Your Home & Family During Any Crisis

This is the Book that I Hope and Pray You’ll NEVER Need!

All you need do is watch the evening news to see that our society is coming apart at the seams. It is only a matter of time before we face a major crisis with looting in the streets and bandits going door to door attempting to rape and pillage easy targets.

In this book, readers will learn how to LOCK DOWN and DEFEND their home from violent criminals who want to seize it and do harm to their family after a crisis or collapse.

This no-holds-barred book teaches you military-level tactics that you don’t find in any other home security or basic survival guide.

Read this book, and you’ll have a complete operational plan for securing and defending your home from any threat after a major crisis. Claim one of 500 FREE copies available today (offer available until supplies run out – don’t wait!)

Defend Your Home & Family During Prolonged Civil Unrest, Looting, Rioting or Worse…

Dear Fellow Patriot,

We’re living in troubled and turbulent times.

There’s little doubt that we’ve entered a new era of instability and conflict fueled by the fallout of the pandemic, political divisiveness, out-of-control inflation rates and economic crisis plus the very real threat of World War 3 breaking out.

All of this has led to unprecedented civil unrest in many parts of our great country…and it could get a lot worse according to some experts.

Bank of America recently WARNED that looming civil unrest could collapse the economy. And a Princeton University group study found that 96% of U.S. urban areas saw violent unrest in the past year.
Our society is more unstable than ever before. From race riots to terrorist attacks to the growing threat of a financial collapse, many Americans have a sick feeling that a major crisis is imminent.

If you’re reading this page, chances are you have some sort of stockpile of disaster supplies in your house in the event you lose power for a few days.

You might even have some survival food set aside for such an occasion. If you do, I commend you for your instincts and your efforts.

Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you.

In the aftermath of a prolonged crisis – one that lasts more than a few days – bandits, looters and thugs will soon start hitting the streets looking to steal homes and survival stockpiles.

And if you’re just relying on the deadbolt on your door and your home alarm system to protect you then you’re in trouble. 

What the Police and Home Alarm Companies Don’t Want You to Know…

The FACT is we live under a false sense of security in this country.

Each night when we put our kids to bed and turn out the lights, most of us blindly believe that deadbolts on our doors and that blinking red light on our home security system will protect us from crazed psychopaths and other violent maniacs who wish to do us harm…

While those items might deter…or at the very least slow down…an average household burglar or sick predator on a normal day.

The TRUTH is these items provide practically NO PROTECTION should you have to defend your home and protect your family after some sort of natural disaster or prolonged time of crisis.

And a call to 911 or your local police department won’t help either during these times of unrest.

On normal days, the police don’t respond until AFTER a crime has been committed and the perpetrator is already GONE.

During a prolonged crisis, the police may not be able to even show up to clean up the mess!
Further down on this page, I’m going to reveal a system that will allow you to create a fool-proof plan to defend your home and protect your family during these life-threatening situations.

I’ll reveal some of the key areas where your home and family are currently the most vulnerable

And I’ll discuss some simple things you can do today to start a home survival and defense plan.

As I’m sure you’re aware, natural disasters and other calamities happen all the time.

It seems like hardly a week goes by when you don’t see some story on the evening news about a devastating earthquake, a violent tornado, a destructive hurricane or some other disaster.

In the immediate aftermath of these natural disasters, your home alarm system may not work at all due to power outages and telephone and cell tower system overloads.

And it’s also not uncommon for the police to be completely unresponsive to home invasions and other violent crimes because they’re too busy responding to the disaster or crisis at hand…

The fact of the matter is that in the immediate time after a crisis, you and your family cannot rely on the police or your home security system if some deranged psychopath is trying to do your family harm.

The only thing you can rely on to protect your home and family is YOU!

Fortunately, with typical natural disasters, things will go back to normal in a few days…

But What Happens If a Crisis of a Much Longer Magnitude Occurs?

I’m talking about a crisis that lasts weeks, months or even longer…

You may think this is some far-fetched notion, but the truth is our government is currently planning for a MAJOR CRISIS.

Let me take a moment to explain this dire situation…

Many government insiders know that our nation is facing an imminent financial crisis.
I’m talking about a major crisis that will dwarf the financial crisis we saw back in 2008…

And some of the world’s leading economists think it’s only a matter of months before it starts.

Many investors are already dumping their investments in our economy because they see the writing on the wall.

When this next financial crisis breaks, banks won’t get bailed again.

This time they’ll go under.

When that happens, thousands of other small businesses that rely on credit from these banks will also go under --- meaning millions of Americans will suddenly be out of work.

And to compound the problem, the nearly 50 MILLION Americans currently on food stamps will face impending starvation.

This could spark deadly food riots in every major city in America as these desperate starving people take to the streets and neighborhoods to find food by any means necessary.
This means the government will be forced to place millions of Americans into FEMA “work” camps just to survive…

We know this to be a fact because government documents reveal that FEMA has frantically bought up all of the emergency food and water they can get their hands on.

We also know that the President is fully aware and prepared for this impending crisis…

Executive Order 13603 gives him full martial law powers over the American people once the crisis breaks.

He and his administration will have the full power to commandeer and control all food, water, fuel, medicine and guns and ammo in the event of a prolonged time of civil unrest.
If the government is preparing for such an event, don’t you think it’s wise for you and your family to get ready as well?

I’m an optimist by nature, but I always choose to hope for the best BUT prepare for the worst.

If a crisis like the one I’ve mentioned does come true and all HELL breaks loose, you will want your home to be your FORTRESS.

It should be an impenetrable compound that your entire family can live comfortably inside. (No matter what’s going on outside!).

Once a cataclysm is in full swing, normal rules of civilization will break down.

Your unprepared neighbors might make it a few days before they’re looting and scavenging to feed their families.

Rogue gangs and other criminal elements will also roll into your town within days and they’ll start ravaging everything.

Some will steal because they’re hungry. Others will do it for greed.

Remember, it’s YOUR responsibility to your family to make sure your family doesn’t become victims to these ruthless thugs.

And if you’ve stockpiled food and water in the event of a disaster or crisis, YOU especially need to have a home defense plan!

It would be a shame if all your good prepping went to waste within days of a crisis breaking due to a robbery or home invasion.

Unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier in this video, old “home security” techniques won’t work to protect your family during any prolonged crisis.

If the power grid goes down (and it almost certainly will), your home alarm system won’t work.

And your home phone service and cell phones will probably be out of commission too.
This means a call to 911 or your local police won’t be an option when some gangster or hoodlum is trying to kick in your front door.

It’s vital that you have not only a plan to secure and lock down your home, but you need a plan to defend it too.

So what exactly can you do to prepare you and your family for this UNIMAGINABLE CRISIS?

Before we go any further, let me take just a moment to introduce myself.

My name is Keith Jacobs.
You may know me from my websites, and my popular preparedness Facebook pages.

Or you may have seen my messages on sites like The Blaze, World Net Daily or other popular prepper forums and websites.

I’m an EXPERT when it comes to disaster preparedness and home defense…

In the past few years, I’ve taught over 10,000 people how to get ready for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING through my popular Family Survival Training series.

And I’m very excited at the opportunity to share this lifesaving information with YOU right now…

Over the past few years, I’ve collaborated with some veteran military strategists and home defense gurus to put together a plan to shield virtually any home.

It doesn’t matter if you live in a rural area or your house is smack dab in the middle of the city. My Home Lockdown plans will get you ready to shield your home and family from virtually any threat that comes your way!

I’ve devised a plan that allows my family to live seemingly day to day…but as soon as the shit hits the fan, I can initiate our home defense plans and lock everything down into an iron clad fortress.

And if you think I’ve spent thousands of dollars on high priced gadgets and gizmos like you see on TV doomsday reality shows you’re mistaken.

I’ve been able to secure my home for literally pennies on the dollar from what other spend.

Look, I’ve put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into the creation of this book and I’ve worked my tail off to find a publisher brave enough to put it into print and hopefully I’ll be able to eventually recoup the small fortune I put into getting in to made.

My publisher has told me they plan to eventually sell HOME LOCKDOWN for as much as $37...

…But with the threat of a major collapse having never been greater, my goal is to get this book into the hands of as many Americans as possible.
Fortunately, I’ve worked closely with our publisher to be able to offer up the first batch of 500 books for FREE.
All you need to do is cover the modest price of shipping & handling, and I’ll ship the book to your doorstep ASAP!

Claim your FREE Copy of HOME LOCKDOWN Today and Get Your Home & Family Prepared for the Coming Crisis…

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

Let’s Take a Sneak Peak at What You’ll Learn in this Lifesaving Book…

I’m really excited to share my HOME LOCKDOWN plans with you. Here’s a quick peek of what you’ll learn inside…

An amazing “mind hack” that gives me the upper hand over almost ANY intruder.

This tactic allows me to lead 90% of all would-be invaders right where I want them!

This one principle has allowed me to cut down about 50% of the costs from my home defense plans. 

My DROP DEAD Simple 4-level fortress blueprint. 

Here you’ll learn how to separate your property into four distinct parts to slow down looters and burglars. 

And the great thing is this strategy will work with a home or property of practically any size! 

The BEST weapons for your Home Defense Plans. 

I’m not only talking about guns. 

We have a list of the best lethal and non-lethal weapons (you might be surprised by a few of the recommendations!). 

The Right way to handle your excursions for reconnaissance, secure patrolling, supply runs and more. 

Handle this part wrong and your entire household is at risk of invasion and takeover. 

This is military-level planning for your family’s home defense! 

How to develop your own “defense network” before the crisis strikes. 

This way you’ll have allies that can come to your defense if you’re under attack. 

It also is a great way to test your plans before a crisis breaks. 

Plus much, much more! 

Since you’ve made it this far into my page, I can tell that you’re committed to preparing your home and family for a coming threat… 

That’s why I think you’re going to really LOVE my HOME LOCKDOWN PLANS. 

This is your manual for preparing a home defense plan for your family! 

Over the past year, I’ve spent hundreds of hours reading other books and talking to experts to compile this guide. 

I’ve read literally everything available on the topic that I could get my hands on. And then added my own personal experiences to develop what I think is the definitive guide to HOME DEFENSE. 

I’m very proud of the fact that I’ve cut out all the junk that most authors and publishers put in books just to overinflate their size. 

I wanted a guide that you could easily read in under an hour… 

Without wading through worthless chapters on the “history of home security” that just waste your time. 

This concise, yet jam-packed guide has just the information you need to succeed... and nothing more! 

As I mentioned before, I’ve spent countless hours over the past year researching to compile this guide. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to do that. The research has already been “done for you” in my easy-to-read guide. 

And best of all you can claim one of the initial 500 copies for FREE today! 

Click the green button below to get INSTANT ACCESS to this guide right now

Click the green button below to get INSTANT ACCESS to this guide right now. 

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

Take Action NOW and you get more than just the free book today…

All you need to do is take action NOW and click the green buttons on this page, while supplies last.

If there are copies left from this first run, then the book is yours at NO CHARGE! 

All I ask is that you cover the modest shipping & handling fees and I’ll get it in the mail to you PRONTO! 

Once these initial 500 copies are gone, I’ll most likely be forced to start selling HOME LOCKDOWN at the normal price of up to $37.00 a copy!

And if you decide to act right now, I’m going to include the following special bonus add-ons…Simply click the buy button below and you’ll get INSTANT access to the main Home Lockdown Plans book plus the two bonuses!

Bonus #1: Street Smart Survival Against Deadly Weapons

This life-saving guide will show you step-by-step, with detailed pictures, how to defend yourself and disarm an attacker that is threatening you with a gun, knife, bat, steel pipe or anything else that could be classified as a deadly weapon.

It’s a great book to teach everyone in your family how to defend yourself when your life is in danger.

Normally, I’d sell this book for $29.99, but if you decide to claim my HOME LOCKDOWN book right now, I will include this bonus PDF report for FREE.

But I’m not done yet…

Bonus #2: HOME INVASIONS: How to Be Prepared

I’m also going to throw in a special bonus report called “Home Invasions: a Homeowner’s Guide for How to be Prepared”.

This 34-page special report gives you step-by-step information on how to be prevent your home from being the target of a “routine” home invasion.

It also helps you prepare your family for what to do if an invasion takes place and you must defend yourself.

In the past, I’ve sold this report for $17 on its own, but you get it for FREE as a thank you for purchasing my HOME LOCKDOWN PLANS today.

Simply click the green button(s) on this page and enter your details.

What It’s Going to Look Like When 
the FOOD APOCALYPSE Hits America…

The experts I’ve talked to can’t tell me exactly when they expect America’s Food Apocalypse to fully arrive, but most say when it does it will dwarf the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic and shutdown.

Once Americans realize what is happening and their access to affordable food at the corner grocery store is no longer available, many will freak out...

…Especially the more than 40 million people on food stamps who rely each month on government handouts to avoid starvation.

What happens when they can’t get food to feed their families?

That’s when we’ll start seeing the rioting in the streets and the looting of stores and homes across much of the country.

This will force the Federal Government to implement martial law, mandatory curfews and assign families “food rationing passports” to be able to go shop for food at your local grocery store.

And once the grocery stores run out, the feds will be forced to start feeding the masses at various FEMA camps throughout the country.

And since our government hasn’t been stockpiling food, they’ll be forced to start seizing the survival food stockpiles of prepared Americans across the country to keep up with this huge demand.

The really bad news is according to experts this global food crisis could last for years, which would be crippling to an economy already on shaky ground.

How To Survive the Upcoming Food Crisis the Way Our Ancestors Did…

As I proud American prepper, I work every single day to make sure my family is ready for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!

But quite frankly I was devastated when I learned that when this crisis hits, the feds will be forced to seize the stockpiles that I’ve worked so hard to build over the years…
…All because our government doesn’t have the foresight to plan ahead for disasters anymore.

This made me rethink everything. How could I develop a fool-proof system to make sure my family was truly self-sufficient for this crisis or any other unforeseen disaster?

The big idea came to me one day when I was watching a documentary about the American Pioneers.

What struck me was how our ancestors had to face “nightmare” crisis conditions and setbacks on a daily basis, without access to a local Wal-Mart or grocery store, without modern gadgets, modern medicine and with very limited supplies.

The pioneers were men and women who had to adapt and improvise on the go
They had to rely on their knowledge of the land to grow and find food, knowledge of natural medicines, DIY skills and pure grit to survive.

But while many people learned about the pioneers in school, few know what they actually did to survive.

So I’ve made it my mission to compile their most prized survival secrets.

I believe this wisdom is timeless.

It works today just as it worked 150 years ago. And it will continue to work in the future just as well.

Because while technology advances, the land and those who know how to live off it – this info will never become outdated.

Those who have the survival secrets of our ancestors will be truly resilient – during the coming Food Apocalypse or in any SHTF situation including:
  • EMP bombs, solar flares or cyberattacks that takes out the grid
  • ​Terrorist attacks that disrupts critical infrastructure
  • ​Civil unrest
  • ​World War 3
  • ​Solar flares and other cataclysmic events like hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters
And if you’d like to know how to survive such events, I’m giving away a FREE COPY of “Survival Secrets of Our Ancestors” for a limited time while supplies last.

Normally, such a book would sell for at least $37,

But because we’re living in such an unprecedented time in our history… 

I know that many people NEED this information to survive.

So today, while you’re still on this page, I want to make this incredible offer to you:

Get my new book for FREE.

Just cover the modest shipping and handling fee.

While supplies last, we’ll ship it to you, so you can start applying and preparing for the current situation, as well as any other crisis that – God forbid – could happen, if things do take a turn for the worse.

This action-packed book will tell you exactly what you need to know, have and do in order to be fully prepared when the next crisis hits.

Just click the button below to secure your free copy.

FACT #1: 40% Of ALL Dollars in Existence Have Been Printed Since the Start Of The Covid-19 Pandemic Through The Various “Stimulus” Programs.

Let’s re-examine what I just said. The U.S. Dollar has been in existence since 1785 and 4 of every 10 Dollars ever printed were done so since 2020!

That’s not only astounding… It is downright reckless and criminal!

The government has dug such a deep hole of debt that even if every single American was taxed 100 percent on their income, it still wouldn't be enough to balance the budget.

We'd still have to borrow more from China and other countries…

Have you ever heard that reported in the traditional mainstream media? I know I haven't.

The Great American Ammo Crisis is Upon Us and Could be PERMANENT

Claim a FREE Copy of AMMO INDEPENDENCE Today and Learn How to Survive ANY Ammo Crisis and Build Your 10k Bullet Stockpile!

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

What Our Customers have to Say About Us…

“I’m disturbed at what’s going on in our country and I think it’s just a matter of time before things start coming apart at the seams. I’m getting my family prepared to defend our home and stockpiles should things go bad.”
- J.K.

“Honest seller! Best Conservative products on the internet-have ordered numerous times, and will order again! Try them, you'll like them!”  
- Jerry T.

“Riots and looting are a daily occurrence now in many parts of America and I think it’s only a matter of time before it spills over into full blown anarchy. I’ve been looking for something to get my family ready to defend ourselves and I think I’ve finally discovered the answer.”
- Scott M. 

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If you’re still unsure if HOME LOCKDOWN is worth the measly price of shipping and handling, let’s review again what’s covered in this one-of-a-kind manual on family home defense.

The first part of the training will cover how to get your home ready before a crisis strikes.

Here you’ll be able to take a hard look at your current security measures and find the areas where you are the most vulnerable.

It’s in this section that I reveal an amazing “mind hack” that forces 90% of would-be intruders and attackers to attempt to infiltrate my home exactly where I want them to do…

This one strategy gives me the instant upper hand in the almost ALL intrusions!

In the next section, we will move into advanced home defense measures you’ll be using after the crisis breaks.

Here we will breakdown various lethal and non-lethal weapons that you should consider having in your arsenal…

And we’re not just talking about guns, knives and baseball bats in this section…

We will go into depth on how to use improvised weapons to defend your family when you’re under attack!

After our discussion on weapons, I will reveal my DROP DEAD Simple 4-level fortress blueprint.

This is an easy to implement plan to defend a home of virtually ANY size.

Executing this 4-level blueprint plan will make it nearly impossible for anyone to penetrate your home’s defense!

And we’re not even close to finished yet!

You’ll also learn military-level tactics to handle your excursions for reconnaissance, security patrolling, supply runs and more.

If you don’t have the right plan for how to handle these important missions during a crisis, your entire home defense plans may crumble…

And your home could be overrun by violent thugs who will steal everything you own and could do terrible things to your family.

What I’ve shared so far is just a fraction of what’s covered in my HOME LOCKDOWN PLANS.

It really is the most definitive guide for how to DEFEND & SECURE your HOME after a cataclysm.

If you don’t currently have a home defense plan…

Or you have ANY doubts about your existing plan…

I encourage you to click the buy button below to get INSTANT access to this life-saving information plus the two bonus reports…

For just the cost of shipping and handling!

I’m not sure you can get that much peace of mind for such a low price anywhere else.

Click the button below to order your copy now.

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

Don’t Wait for Disaster to Strike! Get Your Home and Family Prepared for Any Crisis You May Face…

Time is ticking now on how long I’ll leave the report at this amazingly low price.

I’ve got so much time and money invested in putting this guide together.

Very soon, I’m going to be forced to raise the price back to the normal everyday price to recoup my investment.

This could very well happen tomorrow….which is why I recommend you order now to take advantage of this special free offer.

Look, by this point you’ve probably made up your mind about my guide. You need to have a plan for your home’s defense after a crisis. And this is it.

Isn’t it worth the price to make sure your family is safe and secure after a crisis breaks?

Trust that feeling in your gut. Tough times are coming for America and you need to have a plan to defend your home and family should things get really bad.

If you get the book, you will be armed with all of the information you need to not just survive, but thrive during and after any prolonged disaster or time of prolonged unrest or crisis.

At this point, as I see it, you have 3 options…
1 – Ignore the writing on the wall and hope it never happens. If we’re lucky maybe things won’t get worse and you won’t ever need to defend your home from violent criminals, looters or gangs. 

Or maybe there is a crisis but it isn’t as bad as outlined here today. While miracles are nice, survival is life-or-death. 

I’m sure that, just as me, you would rather be prepared than hope for outside help.

2 – Accept the bleak outlook, do your own research and come up with your own home defense strategies.

This is better than #1, but do you have the time?

Are you thorough in everything you do? Do you have years of survival experience to say with confidence that your home defense plan covers all the main bases?

If you want to do it on your own - I truly commend you. But wouldn’t it be better if you just saved time and hassle and went for the tried & tested option below?

3 – Get “HOME LOCKDOWN” for FREE and start preparing today.
You don’t have to guess. You don’t have to search. Just get the book and turn to the chapter that you are most interested in learning about.

Follow the step-by-step instructions to be 100% safe and prepared.

When a major crisis breaks out and civil disorder abounds, stores are being looted and a state of general chaos spreads over the U.S…

You will be safe, at home, staying calm and composed – knowing that you are safe and prepared for any scenario.

Most importantly, your family, spouse and kids will also benefit – both from you directly but also because they too can refer to the information inside “HOME LOCKDOWN” at any moment.

Click the button below to order now.

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

I am more than confident that you will be amazed at the amount of helpful and actionable information you will find within this short, but value-packed book.

And I sincerely hope it helps you become more resilient and self-sufficient in long-term survival planning.

Thanks for your time and best of luck,

Keith Jacobs,
Survival & SHTF Preparedness Expert

P.S. Just in case you’ve been skimming this letter, I am offering to send you a copy of the “HOME LOCKDOWN” book for FREE (just cover the small shipping and handling fee). Inside you will find out how defend your home and family during times of prolonged crisis and civil unrest. Get this book today to get your family prepared to face this terrifying, but real possibility.

Claim Your FREE Home Lockdown Book Today!

YES! Claim a FREE Copy of Home Lockdown Today to Learn the Ultimate Tactics for Defending Your Home after a Cataclysmic Event.

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

Regular Price: $37 Today: $0.00

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